Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Week 1

Well it's been one week with Thomas! So far he has been a pretty good baby. Or should I say textbook? He eats when he's "supposed" to eat, sleeps when he's "supposed" to sleep and so on. Well, he's still young so I guess the sleep thing isn't set in stone yet:) He really likes to be swaddled. It calms him right down. And his other favorite thing is peeing straight out of his diaper. His parts are still healing so we can't really point it down yet...so the pee just shoots out the side or top of the diaper most of the time. No fun. But soon enough he will be completely healed! Here he is resting on the blanket that I made:
Look how tiny!
It's amazing to me how tiny they are. The two older kids are doing pretty well. With all the randomness and visitors in their lives lately they've definitely been pushing limits, but I'd say they are doing pretty good. They LOVE Thomas and want to hold him all the time. I think the newness of him will wear off, but for now they are super excited about him. Last night we got pretty good sleep so I'm feeling good, but I know that might not be the case tonight! So we are taking it super slow and easy. We've been maintaining the sick day mentality. You know when you used to get sick and stay home from school and all you'd do is sit on the couch and watch movies? Well any chance we get that's what we do. We've declared 1-4 pm mandatory rest time. Noah sleeps the whole time, Mary looks at books then sleeps, and me and Ian watch shows! It's beautiful. And of course it's interrupted by Thomas needing to eat.

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