Sunday, May 6, 2012


Mary and Noah are best friends. They LOVE being together. Recently we put them into the same room so they could get used to it before baby comes and it has been very interesting. I try to remind myself that I have prayed for a long time that they would be best friends when they are having "jumping time" instead of sleeping. It has been difficult to say the least. They are tired during the day and so excited to be in the same room that they can't sleep at night. A couple funny things that have happened is that as soon as we walk out of the room Noah will say, "Jumping time Mary???" What an instigator. We have told them that they have to stay laying down and stay in bed..those are the only rules. Mary has no problem with them, but Noah would rather be jumping! I've also heard Noah whisper, "Come here Mary!!" multiple times. Occasionally she'll get sucked in by his charm, but usually I hear the reply, "No Noah."

So I'm going to focus on the fact that they love being together and what an answer to prayer that is! Sprinkler time:

Such a big girl I can't believe it:

This is what he did most of the time...he only occasionally joins in the sprinkler fun.

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