Friday, May 18, 2012

Noah 22 months

 Playing in the dirt (with a shovel, not hands...improvement!)
 One of his all time favorite past-times, watching daddy cut the grass. We need to get him one of those kid lawn mowers that blows bubbles!
Noah is over 22 months now! That last picture is him playing hide and seek. If you can't tell, he is a champion at hide and seek. And he ALWAYS answers, "I'm right here!" if you ask where he is while he's hiding. He is so much fun right now and still such a charmer. It melts my heart when he says please, thank you, and excuse me on his own with a cute little smile. How could someone ever be mad at someone that cute? When he's disobedient we often have to look away because we are cracking up inside.

I love the way he yells, "Mommy!" then a couple seconds later, "Daddy!" then, "Mommy Daddy get me OUT!" when he wakes up in the morning. This morning he was doing the usually yelling and then saying, "Jumping time Mary!" When Mary told him no and to stop. I think she was still tired...Bedtime is still interesting and mostly involves them playing until they drop.

He continues to be pretty friendly. He likes to tell people bye bye, see you later! And he will stand at the door doing that until they are out of sight. He REALLY likes to help me. I'm hoping this continues for years to come. If I can see a struggle coming with getting him to do something I just say, "can you please help mommy __________" I don't know why it works, but he loves to help. And his newest development is saying OK instead of yes. Noah do you want to go outside? OK. Noah are you all done eating? OK. Are you going to say yes ever again? Yes OK.

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