Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mary update

Can you see the beautiful 3 year old in this picture?

Is she playing on her slide? Nope, she's up in a tree. Daddy showed her how to climb up those small trees in the back and now it is a sure fire way to keep her occupied for half an hour. So I had to grab the camera:)

She is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her little brother or sister. If you ask her which one she wants she says a brother AND a sister. I blame that on two books: Big Sister Dora and God Gave Us Two. Both books end with the mommy having twins... They are good besides that though! She still loves her brother, but has recently taken to shutting him out of places. Like she will run into a room and shut the door so he can't follow. We're working on it.

She still loves trains and will play with her set for a long time. One thing I think is funny that she has started doing is asking what the consequences will be if she doesn't obey. "Mommy, what happens if I shut the door on Noah?" "Mommy, what happens if I get out of bed?" My response is usually, "We don't need to talk about that because you are going to obey mommy right???" Plus, those are repeat offenses...she knows what the consequences are! But it's still cute.

No knew news with the room sharing fun. They are still playing FOREVER before going to sleep. I told Ian we needed to scale back our plan of attack. For now we are just enforcing the 'stay in your bed' rule. Instead of stay in your bed, stay laying down, be quiet. Simplify!

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