Friday, January 14, 2011

Little Homemaker

Mary is such the little helper and I love it. Last night while I was making dinner she kept saying, "Mary help you" and pushing one of the chairs over toward the stove/counter to help me. Now, her helping is not so much help, but Ian and I talked about how it's important to let her "help" now while she's feeling extra helpful and to let her know we appreciate it. Someday she will actually be able to do things well that we'd like her to help with, so right now we're trying to encourage her spirit of helpfulness even though it can take more time to get things done (and be much messier!).

I've been thinking a lot lately about cultivating my spirit more instead of just my actions. Then a post popped up today on my google reader from the raising homemakers blog. Here is an excerpt:

"It’s just that I fear that with the emphasis on getting women back home, we have confused our message of hope and turned it into a burden that we didn’t intend to make. We’ve given the wrapper – the “stay at home” part – without the contents – glorifying God through and in the home.

I believe that womanhood is rooted in the home. Mothers who stay home do a greater service to their children than mothers who work. Daughters and wives who keep home full time have my deepest admiration - they’re my heroes. But not simply because they stay home. Because they have a vision for their role in the home, whether they’re there 24/7 or only after the work hours.

“Coming home” physically is only an outer manifestation of a heart issue. A woman can be “at home” physically and somewhere else spiritually and wholeheartedly. And vice versa. Yes, the more natural way is at home – it’s the best way - the benefits of being at home far outweigh anything else this life has to offer for women. But only if we dedicate it to the Lord. Only if we have a vision that goes beyond private wish and fulfillment. Only if we look to His Word as the ultimate directive for our life – not the books and blogs of those who share our same views."

I really loved this post. Yes, I want to be home physically full time(obviously) but I also want to be here spiritually, mentally, and absolutely wholeheartedly. It's easy to check out sometimes or to just get things done throughout the day (organize, clean, launder, feed children, etc.) and not really engage my mind and heart. Yes, I think even if you don't stay home because God's word encourages it, it will still be the best thing for your family. However, God will be most glorified when we are living for His glory on purpose. I want to keep that at the forefront of my mind. This is the joy set before me! So when things crumble I don't crumble. I'm supported by that joy. The same joy that Christ had when he endured the cross for me.

1 comment:

Jess said...

So I have to admit that I've been a secret reader of your blog for a while now (I saw it on Steph Jamisons blogroll) and I just wanted to encourage you that I LOVE THIS POST! Thank you for the reminder that being home with my children is not just a physical being there but a spiritual being there. Good Word!!