Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm a believer

I've posted before about the wonder weeks. I gotta say, if I wasn't a believer then, I am now. This week Noah has not been himself. Waking in the night again (grrr), fussy randomly, chewing on everything even more than normal. His tooth popped through Monday, but the behavior is still continuing. He has a cold, but he's usually not like this with a cold. After having gone through my mental list of possible causes and ruling them out I thought of the wonder weeks. So I calculated how old Noah is: 26 weeks, and looked at the wonder weeks website and sure enough 26 weeks is mental leap #5. Apparently this is when kids start to realize distance and space. So they can see something and realize that it's far away from them or realize that mommy left and he can't get to me, etc. I need to suck it up and get that book, but I have like 10 to read right now. He's also moving around a ton more now. I just want to freeze time. Stop growing!

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