Monday, January 31, 2011


Our church is awesome. Have I mentioned that? Well I should say the people at our church are awesome. I mean I like the program stuff we do, don't get me wrong, but I LOVE the people. Our church is partly family integrated. What that means is instead of having programs for kids, we incorporate them into the church service. (this includes an occasion worship song for the kids with hand cute!) We do have a room for 0-3 year olds, but after that kids are out with their parents the whole time. Most people probably wouldn't like this. That's why almost every church out there has programs for children and youth groups for older kids. What I love is that at Red Door we want to empower parents to train and teach their children. One of the things the kidstuff (that's what we call it) team does is create packets for parents to take home each week that contain a lesson for you to do with your kids and things to talk about. Well last week the take home baggie contained stuff to make rice crispy treats! We made them together and talked about how life can be sticky and messy sometimes, but Jesus came to make all things clean and new. We told Mary that Jesus came to make her clean. She smiled and kept eating the marshmallows before they could melt! Here are some pictures:

Eventually she will learn to be modest, but for now she occasionally likes to practice for toddlers gone wild.

We've started keeping Mary out with us during the service. I think it is a great time to teach her to sit quietly. Although she eats lunch so she doesn't really have a choice:) That girl sees food and she eats it! And after she's done eating she colors on the kidstuff packet.

1 comment:

Julie said...

did she make grandma julie some rice krispy treats?