Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Current Reads

I'm currently reading three books. Well, one is just a re-read: Babywise II, always a pleasure:) The other is called BestFeeding. Can you guess what it's about??? I'm only reading this because I'm thinking of completing the training to become a Doula or a childbirth educator. There's a lot of independent reading you have to do, so I thought why not start those books as I try to decide if I want to do that. I have no desire to work really, and both of those things would require a decent amount of time and energy. I'm thinking it could be cool to have that knowledge even just to help people for free? It's something I'm interested in, so we'll see what comes of it! Anyways, Bestfeeding is ok. Nothing profound or new that I haven't already learned in other books that aren't exclusively about breastfeeding, but I'm only half way through it!

The other book is called To Train Up A Child. It was given to me by a good friend who has very similar parenting views. She gave it to me with the warning that they can be kind of rigid, but it's mostly good. She was right! They definitely tell you their opinions (sometimes stated as fact) and make no apologies. I like that. Just get it out there ya know?!? A lot of the stuff they say flies in the face of our culture, but they aren't afraid to say it. Basically I like it a lot so far. It's very practical and straight to the point. It's kind of what I wish Shepherding a Child's Heart would have been! They have a lot of the same methods as Shepherding without all the filler talk and wishy washy stuff crowding up the place. It's half the length if that tells you anything. So...there's a couple books for you:)

P.S. I finished Feminine Appeal and it was AWESOME! A must read for every woman. I've already bought copies for two of my friends and they are almost done with it.

1 comment:

Julie said...

you don't read anything like I read - I prefer the fiction stories that take me away.