Monday, July 14, 2014

Our first call

We got a call today from children's services. There is a 13 month old boy (baby J) who needs a place to stay. He's been neglected and is for sure behind for his age, but beyond that no health issues. There's a little info about his mom, nothing about dad. Do we want him? Absolutely we do:)

Since I got that call I've been equal parts nervous and excited. I cried a little bit thinking about what this means and what a big change this will less than 24 hours! Ian was so sure and confident when we talked to the worker, it made me feel confident! But later, when the kids are in bed and it's quiet and I have time to think the nervousness sets back in. We got the monitor in the mail for the baby's room today so I was trying to set it up (and getting really frustrated) and I was thinking about how I want to clean the room and put new sheets on the crib for baby J and get out some outfits and have everything just PERFECT! Well if you've been a mom for more than, oh I don't know 3 seconds, you know that things just don't always go perfectly.

So I took a break from the monitor to head outside and look at my plants. For some reason, even though my garden is not turning out great (more on that later) it is soothing. And I saw this beautiful sky and heard the crickets chirping and thought I should go to my spot with God and sit for a bit. So I came here to the front porch and looked out over the sky and saw what you see in the picture above and I'm reminded that God has baby J. What he needs most is someone to hug and cuddle him and tell him about the One who made him and loves him. I can do that! Especially the cuddles part. I hope he's a cuddler. I guess if not I always have Thomas!

Anyway, we will find out tomorrow morning if he is for sure coming and when. How long will he be with us? What's the plan? Will there be long term consequences of his neglect? I don't know! If the court decides he needs to come into care for sure he will be here tomorrow. God knows the plan and we will trust him. For now...I'm heading back to tackle that monitor!

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