Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I'm back!

Since I bought photoshop last week I got all the pictures off my camera! Ironically the ones I'm posting today aren't edited or anything special...they're just fun! Sweet Thomas man had his first taste of solids a couple weeks ago.
He eventually worked through the yucky face:

He eats like a champ now. I remember the learning curve being a lot longer with the other two. Maybe because they were younger? Or maybe because everything seems like forever with your first kid?
Thomas also LOVES to bounce/jump now. I put him in his jumpy seat thing today and he literally jumped non stop for 45 minutes. If I can figure out how to get a video from my iPad to this blog I will post the one of him jumping. It's not 45 minutes long, don't worry:) He's almost 6 months! I think this is my favorite time in babyhood. Such a happy man.

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