Saturday, November 17, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year's halloween was a bit...blustery. We made it up our street and back. Noah only made it a couple houses before he climbed in the stroller and burried himself in blankets. If someone had a stroller for me I would have climbed in before we left. It was the first day I really felt like winter was a coming. Mary was game for anything though (like usual). I think she could have kept going even though she was freezing. It's like it doesn't effect her when there's candy on the line?

As we got to our driveway Mary said, "Mommy I have so much candy!!!" I didn't bother telling her she had 10 times as much last year:)
Candy isn't the only reason that Halloween is the best day of the year. It's also my birthday! My mom made a cake and brought it over with dinner and presents! Mary helped put the candles on (and blow them out).

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