Wednesday, November 28, 2012

6 months

Thomas! My baby Thomas is getting so big! He's a serious man in this first picture:

Then he reveals his true goofy self:

His favorite things in the world are jumping or being tossed in the air. He just laughs and laughs! I love his chubby cheeks and the softness of his baby skin:) Babyhood is such a short period I've been trying to soak it up as much as possible lately. We cuddled for a long time this morning before I finally dragged myself out of bed to get ready for church. He is as laid back as they come and still a pretty good sleeper. His nights can be a little wacky still...but overall he's just easy. I wish all babies were like this:) It would be easy to have a bunch!

His personality is really starting to come through as he's been more able to show excitement about things. He's in one of my favorite stages right now. He's generally happy, everything makes him smile, and he will still go to anyone. I know we're coming up on curiousity, crawling, and separation anxiety. But for now...I'll enjoy the relative ease!

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