Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Recent reads

I finished the Duggars first book recently. It is SO good! They are such faithful people it's really challenging and encouraging to learn about their lives. And they share in such a humble way. I hope we can be like them as we grow. Maybe not so much in the 19 kids area, but in other ways we very much look up to them and aspire to have a family like that. I highly recommend that book. Also, they talk about a system called managers of their chores. I'm considering getting that product too, but I might create my own thing based on what the Duggars talk about. They have chore packs that each kid gets after breakfast. It's a pack of cards that they flip through until they are done. For younger kids those cards have pictures on them. So you might have cards that say: get dressed, brush your teeth, make your bed, take out the trash in the bathroom, check in with your buddy...etc. I really like their buddy system too. I mean you kind of need that with 21 people around! But it could be a good family building thing even with smaller families. Anyway, it's a great read.

I also just finished a short book called Birth Your Way by Sheila Kitzinger. This woman is a very well known author in the natural birth circle so i was expecting good things from this book. But I wasn't super thrilled. There were some good things about natural breech deliveries and shoulder dystocia, but beyond that it wasn't much new. I guess if you haven't read much about birth options outside of a hospital then it could be informative, but I think there are some much more comprehensive books out there that also include this information. So basically, if you're not training to become a doula, or have no interest in home birth...then this book's probably not for you. It's also old. Not sure why I read it, but it was from the library so no skin off my back!

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