Saturday, August 6, 2011

First client

For the first time...I have been hired as a doula! I'm so excited to start this ministry of encouraging and supporting women during this exciting, beautiful and sometimes challenging time of life. God has really been providing for this creative outlet in my life. He provided an awesome mentor doula for me. She is also a homemaker, raising 4 kids and homeschooling while she also works with women as a childbirth educator and doula. We met at Noah's birth and connected pretty quickly. She has been so willing and helpful even though she just had a baby! Then, through the referral of a friend, I have my first client. I'm pumped!

So...this is happening! If you know anyone who desires support in labor (no matter what her desires are for medical/non-medical birth options) send her my way! I can't wait to get this party started!

1 comment:

Julie said...

congrats Meg - you will be awesome - when is the person's due date?