Friday, August 26, 2011

3 years ago today...

This little lady came into our lives.

Just a recap of when she was one:

And two:

And today she is 3! All her teeth have come in now so thankfully she has returned to her usual sweet self (most of the time). She is very thoughtful: sharing toys with Noah, putting his stuff away for him, helping me pick up if I make a mess, throwing stuff away for me, etc. The other day I dropped some frozen peas and they scattered. I closed my eyes and said a prayer for patience. When I opened my eyes Mary was cleaning up the peas and she said, "uh oh mommy! It's ok." Trains and cars are still her favorite things. She likes to play with puzzles and look at books. She also has the most beautiful and contagious laugh. Running is one of her favorite hobbies. I think she could run all day...if her train tracks weren't sitting there waiting to be played with.
It seems like such a freeing age for me too. Now she will ask if she can go play with something in another room, I'll say yes, and off she goes! And I have enough trust in her to know that I will find her doing what she said she wanted to do. She is fun, caring, and turning into quite a lovely little woman:)

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