Monday, August 15, 2011

13 months

Noah is 13 months now! He has started making A LOT of noise now. Not really many new words, but lots of sounds. I bet he would learn more words if I worked on it with him, but I never really do. My favorite is when he signs all done and says it too. We'll ask him if he's all done and he'll shrug his shoulders and put his hands palms up and say "da da!" I really need to get a video of it because it's hilarious. He's walking all over now and prefers it to crawling, but he still does his spider crawl a lot. He's gotten really fast at the spider crawl, so it's pretty funny to watch legs and arms flailing as he zooms across the floor.

He's become a champion eater like the rest of us! But he still wont eat certain things. Mostly just blueberries, raspberries, and grapes. He just looks at them. If I can get one in his mouth he smiles and eats it, but then wont touch the rest. I don't get it, but I'm sure he will start to eat them eventually because they are yummy! And the molars are slowly making their appearance. One point on one of them is through...the rest are still just huge bumps in his mouth. Poor guy.

Here he is after Mary kicked him out of the car. He came to tell me all about it but the camera was between us cause he's just so cute!

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