Thursday, February 10, 2011

Summer of Learning

Ian and I have had some rather funny conversations lately about his goals for the summer. Let me start by saying we always have themes for our summers. 2006 was the summer of love because that's the summer we got married and went to Alaska for our honeymoon
2007 was the summer of travel because we went like a million places that summer, including Montana with some awesome friends
2008 was the summer of joy because that's when we had Mary
2009 was the summer of the preemptive strike (Ian picks the names). It was called this because our goal that summer was to spend a lot of time with our high school friends teaching them about Jesus and training them for their next year. That year Ian had learned a lot about leadership and training so he wanted to apply it
And for the life of me I can't remember what the theme was last summer, but here is one of my favorite pictures from last summer:

2010 might have been the summer of happiness. Along the same lines of the summer of joy except this time little Nono came along!
Anyways, Ian has decided that this summer is the summer of learning:) Recently Ian has been noticing some talents in other guys that he would like to learn. For example, our friend Mark bakes bread and makes home made beer and root beer so Ian wants to set up a time with him to learn how he makes bread. Our friend Eber is an excellent cook and Ian can't even make spaghetti without burning the sauce, so Ian wants to learn some go to dishes. Our friend Jacob is extra handy and can fix almost anything so Ian wants to learn how to do electrical work from him. He told me he wants to finish the big basement room all by himself, but with Jacob's supervision on the electrical stuff:) And our friend Jim Bob Duggar (OK, he's not our friend in real life, but how AWESOME would that be?) has no debt and supports his family off of real estate and stock market investments. So Ian wants to learn how to invest some of the money we have saved.

I'm a fan of all these goals...I'll let you know how they go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed. And once he's practice cooking and baking enough times that people aren't violently ill for days, I'll let him cook for me.