Monday, June 7, 2010

Zoo trip:)

After checking the weather last night we decided that today would be the best day to go to the zoo. And it was a beautiful day! It's been so hot lately I thought we would have to postpone zoo trips until the fall, but today was awesome! I finally remembered to take my camera with us, so I have some pictures.
Here is Mary NOT wanting to touch the animals at the kids petting zoo. It's strange how much she likes animals but wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. When she saw the lambs she started saying, "ba ba ba," but she would not go near them. Here's daddy trying to get her to touch a baby goat:

Here they are looking at the howler monkeys, or in Mary's words "on-keys". Notice where Mary's fingers are in the second picture, she always has them in his ears or hair!

She only tried to dive in once:

Bear's, or "be-as" as Mary calls them:

We paid a little more money to get the pass that includes rides and let me tell you, it's been worth it! Mary loves the train and we love seeing her so happy:) She also loves the carousel, but the line was too long today. Last time we rode it she said "weeeeeeeeee" really loudly the whole time...Here we are riding the train:

"Do we have to get off the train???"

She only wanted to run, the entire time, just running! So Daddy got to have that job. She did pretty good with holding his hand though:


1 comment:

michelle said...

The one of Ian and Mary walking together is a great picture! My sister and her kids were at the zoo with my mom today too.