Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mary's words

We like to practice words with Mary. Sometimes the exchanges are pretty funny:

Me: Mary! Say butterfly
Mary: fu-fly
Me: Say Doggie
Mary: goggie
Me: Say horsie
Mary: aussie
Me: Say cow
Mary: moooooooooooooooo

Also, whenever she learns a new word it keeps her up half the night (she's not a fan of falling asleep anyway) because she keeps practicing it. The latest word is yellow. She's practicing it instead of sleeping right now actually. She doesn't know what yellow is, but she likes to say the word! I think it's because her current favorite toy is yellow. She wakes up asking for her bus and plays with it non-stop. And anytime we see a bus, or anything bigger than a car for that matter, she says bus over and over again until you acknowledge her.

And finally, she has learned how to say her BFF's name. We've been trying to get her to say Abigail for a while now, and we saw her and her mommy on Friday. After we pulled away from them Mary said, "Abby bye". I almost turned the car around to go back and have her say it again for them! And of course she has been saying "Abby bye" for the past two days. Here is a picture of the two little princesses from our vacation:

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