Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mary's new room

Mary's new room is finished! We decided to keep her old room as the "nursery" (that sounds so traditional!). And thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Lubbers she still has nicer furniture than the rest of the house, except for her old room that is:) Here is the room before we did any work:

This is the only room of the house that I've never done any work on before, so I was ready to decorate once Ian got it painted! I tried to help with the painting but was sent away and told that I shouldn't be near all the fumes... Can you tell I kind of let this room go???

And here is the (almost) finished product:

There's a little bookcase on the other side of her crib that's not really visible in these pictures. But here is her dresser, including the rose Daddy got her and the picture frames that I made for her:

Here is a close up of the middle frame which happens to be my favorite. It says, "I praise you because Mary is fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful" We have been reading psalm 139 to our little princess since we brought her home from the hospital. We want her to know the truth that she is made in God's image and was crafted exactly how He wants her.

The pictures for those frames are on their way:) I wanted Mary to feel really comfortable in her room and I think that she truly is. We bought some crazy big and thick curtains so that it would be darker for her to sleep and I decorated it in a homey way so she would feel safe. I hope she does!

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