Thursday, June 24, 2010

37 week appointment

We had our appointment today and everything is progressing well. Baby is engaged (meaning it's not just floating around anymore, its head is now down in my pelvis). That makes for fun times in the comfort department:) I've really been doing well though. No more headaches and very few aches/pains to speak of. So I can't complain. I will be 38 weeks in two days!

Something funny that has been happening lately is that anytime I call/text someone they think I had the baby. I could really mess with people if I wanted to! I was also thinking today about how I have a tendency to look forward to/wish for the next phase of life to come quicker. Earlier I was thinking I just want baby to be here. But I always do this! i.e. I just wanted to get married, just wanted to have a baby, just wanted that baby to stop crying, just wanted the baby to start crawling, etc...

So I decided I'm going to take Jesus' advice and stop being so concerned about tomorrow (or the next day or the next month). I want to focus on today and stop wishing my life away! God gave me today and He makes no promises about tomorrow, so this is where my focus should be. I just love when God puts me on the right path with His Word!

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