Sunday, May 2, 2010

The world of words

In the past month or so Mary has had a language explosion. Don't get too excited. Compared to her vocabulary before it doesn't take much to make an explosion:) She just repeats everything we say now whereas before she couldn't care less. My favorite is that our friend Jacob was teaching her where her knee was yesterday. He kept saying knee and pointing to her knee, and she kept responding by pointing to her knee and saying, "me." We tried to enunciate but it's just really cute to see her say it like that. And she does it over and over again. She's getting pretty good at the body parts, now we need to start working on letters!

In totally unrelated news I'm starting to feel big. There has come a point in each pregnancy when things just start to feel crowded and I can't really breath properly or eat large quantities. This is particularly a problem in the eating department because I love to eat large quantities of food! But I'm learning to eat smaller meals so that I don't feel like I'm going to puke after each meal. At least I haven't had heartburn! I feel bad for people who get that because heartburn feels like Satan is drilling a hole into your chest. Oh, and I'm 30 weeks today!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I remember having to eat several really small meals cause I did get heartburn daily (plus I used to lay down after every time I ate cause I got tired). So I'd eat small meals and have to sit up for a while afterward (that stunk)