Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gall Bladder

About a week ago I went to the emergency room for what I thought was really bad food poisoning. There was so much pain, pressure, and cramping in my stomach and ribs that I figured my chinese food must have contained some questionable meat. They did a CAT scan and found out that I had gall stones. So I was sent home with some strong pain killers and anti-nausea medicine and a referral to a surgeon. After meeting with the surgeon we decided to have surgery this Tuesday. Well my gall bladder had plans of its own. Thursday night (or Friday really early in the morning) I had another attack. They call them gall bladder attacks because that's exactly what it feels like...your gall bladder picking up it's weapon and attacking you. I took my meds and waited for the bliss of them kicking in and knocking me out. Well that didn't happen. In fact, the pain just got worse. So we went into the ER, got admitted into the hospital, and had emergency surgery. The doctor said it was good that we got it out because it was severely infected.

I have to say that I actually enjoyed being at the hospital. I got some awesome pain medicine. Seriously, they put it in your IV then a minute later you feel all warm and the pain goes away then you get drowsy. That stuff is like a miracle. Then I had some of the best sleep I've had in over a month. However, when I woke up from surgery it wasn't quite so warm and fuzzy. But I did get another good nights sleep after that. Anyway, we're home now and I should recover in a week or two.

We came home to a toddler who is teething big time though. She has 4 teeth coming in and she is not a graceful teether. I just gave her some meds too:) Wish I could give her the stuff I'm on! I used to not be a big fan of medicine and would only take it if I was in some serious pain. I really don't feel that way so much anymore. As we were driving to the hospital on Friday and I felt like death I had the thought that we are so blessed that we can drive to a hospital and get nearly immediate pain relief and get the problem fixed. There are many places in the world where that is not an option and someone would die if their gall bladder got infected. I'm glad for the gift of surgeons and hospitals and percocet:)


Julie said...

I'm glad that you were able to be surgically fixed and that there are drugs to help too.

michelle said...

Glad everything went well and that you are recovering! Let me know if you ever need help with anything.

Jerri Warnock said...

ouch! I got my gall bladder out in 1998, but was not as bad as your story!! Glad all are well!! Love to you and the fam!