Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm grateful for...

The miracle blanket! We swaddle Noah because newborns are so darn squirmy and always wake themselves up. Well he can already get his arms out of the other two swaddlers that we have (this one and this one). So I bought the miracle blanket which gets great reviews and I have to say that it is awesome. It's sort of like a straight jacket. He's only gotten his arms out of it once and it's because I put it on wrong...
I'm also grateful that we gave Noah a bottle at two weeks. Last weekend I ended up having to go to the emergency room for what I thought was food poisoning. Turns out I have gall stones...so we'll be meeting with a surgeon soon to find out if I need to have my gall bladder removed. That's really why I made this post, to let people know that. But I thought I'd put a positive spin on it. I'm glad we started a bottle because we left him with a friend for a few hours while I had to go to the emergency room.
Here are some pictures of Noah from last week!

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