Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's practically summer

Today was warm and I was loving it. I was walking out the door with Mary to go to the Y and work out, but when I felt how warm it was we headed to the park instead. I'm so grateful to live in a place with cold winters, because it makes you appreciate the warm that much more.

She looks good in her backpack. She has a more expensive/nicer backpack than I do! Mine is from the 60's and has an external frame. Thank you grandma!!!

Now, I need your opinion. That's right: YOU! I wanted to get a good picture of Mary's feet because I love them. They are so cute and little. So tell me which one you like the best:

I thought this one was cute, but then it occurred to me that it's an awkward crotch shot. Sorry for the language, but I don't want to put this picture in her baby book if it's weird. Sometimes it's hard for me to know if things are weird because I'm weird. I figure if I like it then it must be strange...hmmm.

You can leave a comment below by clicking on comments. I know it's tricky. Another option is that they are all bad pictures! Don't be afraid to hate on my pictures. How else can I get better???


Jennifer/Cara/Samantha said...

i like the first picture as a whole. but i also love the toes in the last two. tough choice, cause yeah there is a crotch shot involved. i'm weird too though, so my opinion might be null and void. if it helps, i have a weird crotch shot with feet in cara's baby book.

Julie said...

It's definite - you are more than just weird!!! I'm beginning to wonder if they switched my baby at birth (JK). I like the top one of the 3, but I just don't get the need for a picture of feet (probably why I have no pictures of your feet!!!!). Love, Momasita

La Resa's Blog said...

Personally I like the first one :)

Chrissy said...

I like the first one! What a cute gal!

Mary Rector said...

I like all three, I don't think the crotch shot is weird at all. I think the first and the third are a must (can you have more than one foot pic??)