Sunday, February 8, 2009

A great day...

Today was a good day. I often feel like I had a bad day when I didn't get much done. I voiced this to Ian and he said, "Man, I think this is a great day so far!" He went on to explain that he loved the nap we took and the time spent playing with Mary. He said that as we napped he just thanked God that we have time to be together quietly and stress-free. And that changed my perspective on the day!

Mark and Liz called this afternoon and wanted to get together so we met them at harbin park and played for a while, then we went out to the best Mexican restaurant this side of the Mississippi. Well Casadores would give it a run for its money but...Cancun is awesome! Then we came back home. I also got to see my mom and Brooklynn today. We put Brooklynn and Mary in the bike trailer/jogger that I got for Christmas and they looked so cute in it, but I forgot my camera for that part :( Anyway, here are pictures from time with Brooklynn, an impromtu photo session with mommy and daddy, and from the park! If you put your mouse on one of the images it will pause the show on that image!

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