Saturday, January 25, 2014


So Ian has been really into woodworking lately. I'm not sure I even mentioned that on the blog yet! Didn't want to overlook that! Here are a couple things he's made:

He made the shelf...I did the embellishing!

He considers this cubby bench his best work yet:) I think all the plans for these can be found at Her site is so amazing! I'm on there a lot now looking at things I want ian to make for us. 

And here is our dining room table that he is also pretty proud of:

Notice how I'm wearing a tank top? Yeah these were taken in the summer....and we are missing summer SOOOOOO much right now. Can't wait to start our garden this summer and be out in the sun!
Oh and here is a painting Mary and I made for the kitchen:
We have a hard time remembering this, so it is a good verse to have up in our kitchen! We like the food:)

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