Sunday, June 23, 2013

Vacation time

We were so blessed to be able to go on a weeks vacation to Myrtle Beach! It was a very laid back time and the kids had a blast. I really felt that it was perfect timing to get away from regular life (moving, unpacking, etc.) and have a change of pace. 
 We stayed in a beautiful 6 bedroom home with my family (see picture below if you want to know what it's like to stay in one house with six kids ages 6 and under...pretty chaotic fun). My family from Georgia stayed near us so we got to see them some too! My cousin made these cute little treats for the kids:
 Here is Noah saying cheese:
 Whoever thought that was a good word to say to make kids smile was absolutely wrong. And here is Thomas' homey-don't-play-that face:
 Typical Mary smile:
 She asked me to take a picture of the tigers so we could remember them. But I said I didn't just want a picture of a tiger so she had to get in the picture too! These two spent most of the week together:
 You know we had to have a donut day. And this stud had a great time with his dump truck that his aunt got him:
 Their aunt also got them boogie boards! Noah...didn't really do water so he kind of just sat on the sand:
 But Mary was all in:
 Hey it's a picture with me in it! And my handsome little guy who still NEVER wants to leave my side. And who also usually likes to have something in his hand at all times.

 Searching for sand crabs = fail. Fun with flashlights and getting to stay up way past bedtime = success!
 This is the aforementioned picture of what it's like having 6 young kids in one house. That's three babies! Luckily all of them are sleeping at night and mostly through the night so we were all able to sleep!

 On our last night we kind of had a mega-photoshoot. It was probably the most beautiful of nights while we were there so I was able to get some pretty shots like this one of my cousins daughter:
 Thank you sun for cooperating quite nicely! And here is a picture of all the kids that were there from my family:
Me and the little warrior:

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