Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Thomas!

So we moved a week ago and Thomas turned 1 before that! I lost my SD card reader in the I'm just now getting around to adding new pictures. Anyway, we had a little party at the park with family the day before his actual birthday. It was a sweet day for me and I think T enjoyed it too.

 Here are the pictures I took for his one year photo shoot:

He has learned SO much this month. He can say Dada, Mama, Papa, bye. It's like a mental explosion from 11 months. He will go looking for people when you ask where they are and he will do things over and over and laugh at himself. He also looks for me ever 10-20 seconds and he completely loses it if I leave the room. I didn't think it could get worse than it was but it did. Ah well.

Physical Growth
He took his first step a little before  he turned one but he's not really walking yet either. He still loves to crawl. He loves to walk while he holds on to things though! He seems unusually strong sometimes. Like the other day I was sitting in a chair outside and he crawls over, grabs two fistfuls of my shirt and yanks himself up onto my lap. I was so shocked he did that! He also got 4 teeth in the past week which brings him up to 8.

Spiritual Growth
I've been praying for all of them a ton this month. Thomas has been teething forever and he is NOT a happy teether. Mary and Noah have been at each others throats fighting. So it's really worked to send me straight to God for help. I just keep praying that the spirit would convict Mary and Noah that treating each other poorly is not OK! I pray that Thomas will get his teeth and quit acting like a crazy person. A cute crazy person, but still.

Social Development
He has reverted to only liking me and about 2 other people in the world. And it's strange who he chooses to go to. He still loves playing with his brother and sister though and will follow them around the house all day! Mary has started helping him walk around and he just laughs at her so much. He is much more fun to interact with as well so it makes his constant clinging to me a joy.

Here is a blast from the past to remind me of how quickly my little ones grow!

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