Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The big move

Well I feel like life has finally calmed down enough to sit for a bit and update the blog. We originally set out to buy a fixer upper and now I'm really glad we didn't. Our house is in great shape but we still have so much to do to make it "our" house. At least we are mostly unpacked now and feeling a bit settled. The kids seemed to be having trouble with the transition: not sleeping well, being irritable and whiney, and generally just not acting like themselves. I thought they were over it, but today on our way home from small group (which is right by our old house) Mary said, "mommy I really want to drive by our old house. The one that we lived at for a long time. It's been enough time at our new house." In that moment I felt so sad. I told her that I miss our old house too! And I really do. Someone once told me that in any life change there is part of your life that in a sense dies. It kind of feels like that; our old house, neighborhood, and places we went often are in the past. Not that we can't still go to those places...but we will have to drive out of the way to do so.

Anyway, this post is supposed to be about the big move! That day was pretty exciting for me as it was the first time I personally was buying a house.  There was so much anticipation and I was SO ready to be done with the process. Here is a picture of us right after we closed on our old house:
For about 30 minutes there we were multiple thousands of dollars richer and completely debt free, but homeless. So that's an issue. It was actually quite fun to close. The realtors and title agent knew each other and were really laid back and fun about it all so there was just a great attitude in the room. And the people we bought from and sold to were Christians! What are the odds? We found ourselves talking to the couple who bought our house about how they go to church at Church on Fire and how we did young life and they knew what it was, etc. All around just a cool day.

A couple people came to help us paint that first day:

 And then we move our stuff in...
And that's just the family room! I keep having to remind myself that it took about 5 years for us to get our last house into shape the way we wanted it. I don't need to do everything in one week! We are just so excited to make this house ours that sometimes it's hard to wait:)

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