Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thomas 8 months

Thomas is a growing machine! He is now doing what I like to call the "wounded soldier" crawl. Not quite army crawling where you get your arms bicycling, but where you use both arms simultaneously to drag your body across the ground. That top video was a few weeks ago. He has perfected the wounded soldier crawl and can actually move pretty fast with it. He's still content to just stay where he is most of the time though. He is usually super happy! But the past few days he's been a little cranky. I've given up trying to guess what makes babies have cranky days. Whenever I tell people he's been cranky they always throw out suggestions: teething? growth spurt? phase? Who knows. Those things can all happen at once or it could be something totally different with babies. I do the same thing though with other people. We want to be able to help so we throw out options.

Today I put on his onesie and realized that he is going to be too tall for 9 month clothes soon! His cloth diapers don't help, but he is definitely getting bigger. He still screams whenever he can't see one of us. If one of us is in the room with him he is fine (unless that person is Noah), but when we leave he loses it. It's like he knows that Noah is 2 and will be of no use to him in case of emergency. Plus Noah doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to Thomas at this point. Unless Thomas is trying to grab his toys! As you can see in the second video.

Watch out Mary and Noah, Thomas is mobile and he's coming after you! Oh, and he also got his first tooth last week. Luckily I don't think it bothered him much. The other two were cranky teethers. Thomas has been cranky AFTER his tooth came in...hmmmmm.

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