Friday, December 28, 2012

7 months

 My little man is 7 months old! For his 6 month post I wrote how laid back he is and how I can leave him somewhere easily and not be worried about him...gone are those days! Probably the day after I wrote that he started to scream whenever he couldn't see me. I actually think he's starting to get a little better with it, but it's still an issue. Lately I've been calling him my chunky monkey, for obvious reasons:
It's so sweet how Mary will run up to him and say, "How's my chunky little monkey?!?" I'm finding him very fun to play with now. He's very engaging and loves to laugh. I love this age for that reason: they laugh at everything! I think he may be getting his first tooth! I'm categorically bad at determining that. So I try not to make predictions until the tooth is visible beneath the gum...but I'm going to go ahead and make that bold claim. He LOVES bath time now and he still jumps like a champ. He started reaching for people this month too. Lots of growth going on in this home:)

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