Thursday, September 27, 2012

Renaisance Festival

I hate to keep making excuses for my lack of posting...but my computer monitor died. So I've been using Ian's computer...which doesn't have photoshop...which is a problem for me:) I realize that it's rediculous, but I really don't like posting unedited images. But in an attempt to get over it I'm going to post some today! We went to the Renaisance Festival last weekend!

The funny thing about this picture is that I told them to look like they were fighting and our friend said, "how do I do that???" Then there's Ian smiling. They were both pretty excited to hold some real weapons though. The first sword Ian picked up was huge, double edged, and cost $500. I picked up the little one in this picture and told him this was probably more in our price range:) Even that one was $60!
Mary learned what a spear was last week when we read about David and Goliath in her little bible. Goliath is holding a spear in the story. So when I saw it I asked her if she remembered what it was. She smiled. I told her that this is what you do with spears:

GIANT turkey legs. Too gross for me. I like my meat to not even slightly resemble the animal it came from, but these three enjoyed their turkey legs!
The one ride Mary went on:
Everything cost money! Parking, admission, rides, games, food (obviously). I guess I thought since we had to pay admission that there would be some free things to do there. Not so. We didn't have a ton of cash with us so Mary got to pick one ride. I'm not sure she had too much fun overall but she did really love riding this ride. I was entertained by the guys pushing in the center.

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