Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pump pump pump it up!

More on the pumping journey...once I decided to pump it was really hard for me. I cried a lot that breastfeeding didn't work out. It was not really something I ever considered so it was a shock. But like I said, I talked to some very encouraging friends and came back to planet earth to realize that this is such a short time in his life. And IT'S JUST FOOD! 

We spend so much time feeding our kids in the beginning that it's hard to remember that it's just food. It's just one aspect of his multifaceted life. I care so much more about so many other things for my kids. I want them to know they were made by God. I want them to know that He loves them and has a purpose for them. I want them to know that this is only possible through Jesus. When I compare those things to being able to nurse, it doesn't even compare.

The last thing I will share is how I realized once again how prideful I am. As I mentioned in the previous post I've nursed two kids for a year each, I know so much about breastfeeding, and I'm a birth doula. Shouldn't I know what I'm doing??? Apparently not. Well I have knowledge, but sometimes knowledge isn't enough. Sometimes things just don't work out. And that's OK. That's what God taught me here. He taught me what his word already says, "Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling." I would rather have been taught by reading it, but you learn through experience sometimes. And I think this has given me even more insight into being less judgmental on these things. Sometimes you need to consider other options. I hate saying that in our relativistic culture. Some things are wrong. Period. But not in this case:) It's OK to not breastfeed. It's OK to give your kid formula sometimes. It's OK to let your husband try your breast pump on himself. What? That didn't happen.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Ha! Megan- what a great post, thanks for sharing your story here. God makes us better with each kid, doesn't He!? Really- thank you for sharing. It sounds like Thomas is shattering some identities that are so easy to have as moms. (Birth, nursing, etc.) He's truly a unique little one- pushing you closer to God. I love reading your blog and I am so encouraged. You are doing a great job and I'm so thankful you have children.