Monday, August 27, 2012

3 months

Baby Thomas is 3 months old! He is smiley and cooing and just being so fun. I love how chunky he is and how cuddly. Although his newness has worn off his brother and sister still think he's the coolest:) Mary especially loves to help with him. He's such a laid back little man. He's usually pretty happy and will be content to just stare around the room.

Coming in second for the amount of comments we get comes the ring sling I made for Thomas (it's close behind Noah's red hair). He LOVES this sling. I never used one with the other kids, but I've really liked it now that life is more active and we're out more during times Thomas would like to be asleep. I call it my traveling crib. Since he was born he has loved to snuggle and sleep in his sling and I have loved every minute of it. He's starting to get a little heavy in there but he will sleep well in it even in the evenings when he usually has a hard time sleeping in his crib. So I'll keep putting him in until he outgrows that nap. It's such a short time really!

We get comments on it everywhere. I guess it's not one of the most common ways babies travel? But strangers often ask where I got it, how I made it, and say how comfy he looks. It's a good conversation starter I guess:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neither one of my slings have really worked with Lucas. He enjoys the Ergo, but I don't find it as commfy "looking" as your sling. That could be a new project for you; make some for people to purchase. I definitely will need one for baby #3!!