Friday, April 20, 2012

35 weeks

I am 35 weeks today! At my appointment this week my OB said, "Are you going to circumcise him?" I'm sure my eyes bulged a little. Then he said, "Do you know what you're having?" I thought it was a little late to ask that question, or at least out of order, but then I remembered that he can't possibly know what we're having. The ultrasound tech said she doesn't even look at the "parts" when parents don't want to know and I paid pretty close attention during the ultrasound. Pretty sure she really didn't go near that region. And at my appointment after the ultrasound the doctor came in and said everything looked great and the gender wasn't written down or anything.

After all of that flashed through my mind I calmed down, and answered the doctor. Besides that my appointment was pretty uneventful like always. Everything going ok? Yep. Any questions? Nope. See ya in two weeks! It occurred to me last week that we only had 6 weeks to go (now 5, yikes!) so I made a list of things I wanted to get done. I have successfully cut that list in half. I want to have it done in the next week so that I'll feel fine if baby wants to come at any point after that. Just sharing so that now the world knows (and by world, I mean the 5 people who read this) and I feel like I have to actually do it.

I'm getting so excited for baby's arrival. I'm really excited about the names we picked and what they will mean for our family. Can't wait to see who it will be!

1 comment:

Lanna said...

yay!! I can't wait to meet baby Lubbers!!