Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Museum Center

We wanted to make the most of Ian's spring break so when he wasn't feeling sick (had a stomach issue early in the week) we were out and about. We got a pass to the museum center for Christmas so we went to the children's museum one morning. It is AWESOME!

Mary found the little pretend places area and found a baby doll who needed rocking. Noah was in the background eating the fake food:
Rocks! Well, rubber that looks like rocks:
They have a water section where the kids can get geared up and play with lots of water toys. At one point I had gone to sit down and Ian and Mary were across the room. Noah leaned in to this area below to grab a boat and totally superman(ed) on the side of the tub. I jumped up to grab him totally thinking he was going all the way in, but he got his hands down and managed to not slip all the way in!

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