Sunday, July 10, 2011

Speaking of looking back

In the post below I talked about how I created this blog as a way to remember where our family has been. Ups and downs. Knowledge gained, etc. I often look back at the posts from when my kids were born. Today is one of those days because it is my little man's birthday! I remember the day he was born so vividly. Mostly because I was very "lucid" during his birth. With Mary I was very out of it. Like I was on drugs or something. But Noah's birth was not like that and I am so grateful. I remember going out to Don Pablos with friends. I remember Amber laying next to me and timing contractions while we watched some episodes of Friends. Ian made the decision to go to the hospital. We dealt with the nurse there and all the obnoxious hospital policies, although that time was much better than birth with Mary. Our doula arrived! And I hopped in the shower that stayed hot for like 2 hours. I love a hot shower! So that was bliss. I remember sitting on the birth ball and thinking I couldn't go on. I climbed up on the bed and knelt down to push. Out he came with his little hand up by his mouth! I cried. I couldn't believe I had a son. It was a surreal moment for me. Dr. Bowen said I had a weird tear, probably because Noah's hand was up by his head when we was born. I told Dr. Bowen that I just wanted to give him a bit of a challenge:)

Fast forward to a year later and I have a cute little warrior on my hands. He loves his mommy. A doula friend of mine calls it her "mommy magnet". I think I have one too:) He loves to say "e-i-e-i-o," which sounds a lot like yodeling. He is a pretty compliant baby which is nice. Mom's notes says that babies on a routine (or babywise babies!) are generally complaint until they reach the toddler stage. Then they start to exhibit behaviors of a typical two year old. I remember that with Mary, so I'm waiting for it with Noah. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing for him: bad because I know it's coming and I'm prepared to deal with it, or good because it's not going to completely throw me for a loop this time around!

Anyway, he is a happy "wrecking ball" most of the time. That is his newest nickname by the way. He loves to seek and destroy. He also loves to put objects into bowls and drawers so we're trying to turn that into a clean up game:) We thank God for him daily. What a blessing. Happy birthday my buddy!

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