Thursday, June 23, 2011


Our first stop on vacation was to Thomas Jefferson's house:) That's what Ian kept telling Mary. It was a pretty cool historical tour. And if you know me, and my lack of interest in history, then you know that says a lot. We stayed in a hotel the night before and of course the highlight for Mary was the "elegator" and riding on the luggage cart.

The highlight for Noah was crawling around on the bed and having daddy pull him back.

Here we are outside of Thomas Jefferson's house!

Mary thoroughly enjoyed the bus ride we got to take.

And Noah was pretty tired after missing his normal morning nap. He fell asleep in his stroller a few minutes after this picture.

Overall, Monticello is a win. I think it would be cool to go back a visit when the kids are older and can remember some of the history. It was interesting to see the system he had for the slaves and how his house was run. It was pricey, but I'm going to say it was worth it!

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