Thursday, June 23, 2011

11 months

Noah is 11 months old now! Well, he's been 11 months for a couple weeks, but we were on vacation during that time. I think he gets more handsome every day. He said ball today. Which I think we are going to count as his first word, since he said it while pointing to a ball. He really enjoys hiding things. For example, while we were driving home from vacation Ian was feeding him some cereal. He was just handing Noah pieces every couple minutes or so. After he was done he saw Noah look at a fruit loop then put it under his leg. So Ian went to reach under Noah's leg and found like 15 fruit loops under there. He was met with the same when he checked the other we're not really sure he ate anything.

He's still obsessed with mommy, but I think he's working through the separation anxiety thing because he doesn't flip out when I leave the room anymore. A lot of times he just follows me:) He still loves to sleep which is nice. He's finally started eating pieces of fruits and veggies that aren't mashed. He'll eat anything from a spoon, but it's been a serious process to get him to pick up anything besides carbs. I like carbs too so I can't blame him. He likes to shake his head yes and no, which we think is so cute. And he's been going boom boom on the toilet for like 2 months now. He still goes in his diaper some times, but man it's so awesome when he goes on the toilet and I don't have to clean it out of a diaper. The other day I saw him turning red in the face and I said "Noah, do you have to poopy?" And he crawled toward the bathroom. He didn't go on the toilet...but I think he's starting to make the connection. We'll see!

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