Monday, June 20, 2011

Been a while

This post is simply because it's been a while! I have a ton of pictures to put up as soon as I get them filtered and fixed:) We went on vacation last week, which was amazing. Noah is 11 months now! And I'm reading a book that I love. So those posts are all forthcoming. I know you will all be sitting by the computer waiting for them;)

For now, here are two videos of Noah from about a month ago. We are trying to decide if "yeah" counts as his first word. I mean, it IS a word, and he said it...but he was only repeating us. So I don't think it really counts. Ian thinks it might. Jury's out. But you can see him say it in the first video at the end.

This second video was one of Noah's favorite things a few weeks ago. He hasn't done it much since. But he likes to hang on to the back of my legs and poke his cute little head through. Sometimes he just stands like that while I'm cooking, but if I have to walk somewhere he likes to come too.

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