Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Baby #2 at 17 weeks

Just a quick update: we had a doctors appointment yesterday and everything went well. It was so great to hear the baby's heartbeat:) Appointments are actually pretty boring besides hearing the heartbeat. They just ask if I have any questions, any pain, do I want certain tests...and I generally answer no to all three.

I've also been feeling the baby move around for the past week or two. It's not super consistent yet, but occasionally I feel a couple little bumps from baby! This is why I love being pregnant. I always tell people that but I feel like it can be misleading. I DO love being pregnant, but I don't like everything about being pregnant that's for sure! The baby is so manageable this way:)
Here is a picture of Mary as we were driving to Jungle Jim's last week:

And here she is at the doctors office:

Reason number 10,000 why I have the best OBGYN: he got SO excited when he saw Mary in the room and when she handed him a toy he started to play with it with her for a couple minutes. He said it was bringing back memories of when his kids were little. It's so clear why he does that job! He loves kids and wants them to be healthy! We're hoping to get some snow this weekend so Mary can use her snow boots for the second time before she grows out of them...we'll have to lend them to our friend Abigail next winter so they can get some more use!

1 comment:

La Resa's Blog said...

He is the best Dr, isn't he?!?