Tuesday, January 5, 2010

13 weeks Dr. Appointment

Our appointment went well today. All is good on the baby front:) I did have to get a shot because they got the H1N1 vaccine in...which I was not prepared for. I really hate shots. On the way home I told Ian how my mom used to buy me donuts after I had to get shots when I was little. Then we saw a bakery so Ian pulled over and got me some donuts. It was awesome!

The current struggle is whether or not to get the test that can tell you if your baby is at a higher risk of having down syndrome. The test has a high false positive rate, and it can't actually tell you if your kid has down's. You have to get another test to find that out for sure. And the second test is invasive and carries a significant risk of miscarriage. So even if the first test came back positive we wouldn't have the second test. But if the first test were negative that would be comforting...

I don't think we're going to get it though. There's always a chance that our baby could have down's even with the test coming back negative. Plus it's not like we would love him/her any less! It would be nice to be prepared if we new the baby DID have down's, but I don't think it's worth the risk just to know that ahead of time. So many decisions to make!


Julie said...

I'm so sorry you had to get a shot. When you were really small, you never cried during shots - only as you got older. Hmmmmmmmm. Glad you got a donut though.

michelle said...

I agree that it's probably not worth it to get the test. Because you'd keep the baby and love it either way. And if it was positive, you'd probably just worry more beforehand. Or at least I know I would! Yay for baby Lubbers #2!

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