Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Schneids

Some great friends of ours just moved back into town. And when I say back into town I mean right into OUR town, only 5 min away! We are always trying to talk people into moving by us and this time it worked! Cari and I just keep saying, "Man it's so great that we live this close to each other!" It's like we can't believe it or something:) We each keep thinking of little things that are so wonderful about living close. Like today she called just to say, "It's great that we can be so flexible and get together when the girls are both awake!" Amen sister, and there's so many other cool things too.

Another thing I love about Cari is that we share similar beliefs on some things where our children are concerned (actually quite a few things!). So it's fun to have someone around who understands where you're coming from and agrees with you:) We all want someone to understand us right?

Anyway, Ian always wants me to send him pictures of what we do during the day while he is at school. Today I got to send him these of Mary and the littlest Schneid:

While the camera on my phone sucks, you get the picture: babies having fun!


La Resa's Blog said...

I'm jealous of you guys!!

Unknown said...

Meg I am so blessed to be living by you...love you : )

Megan said...

Theresa - come join the party! There's a house for sale on my street:)

Cari - ditto!