Monday, September 14, 2009

Tina's wedding!

Are all of my posts starting to look the same??? Friday morning we left for Atlanta to attend the wedding of (now) Matt and Tina Klejka! I've known Tina for 10 years probably. She became good friends with my cousin Jen and then came up to Cincinnati with her every summer since. We've adopted Tina into our family:) We arrived just in time to shower and head over to the rehearsal dinner. It was in a beautiful restaurant with really good food and really good company!
Then Saturaday we went to the nicest wedding I've ever been to. It was at a beautiful country club, like most country clubs I'm sure, but this place was awesome. And they also had good food (I know what's important!). I've gotten to see so much of the Georgia Clan this summer! It's spoiling me. Congratulations Tina! You are such a kind and thoughtful person, and I'm glad that you've been able to meet someone who makes you happy!
Matt and Tina:

My mom and Tom sharing some bacon and being lovey:

Tina, Jenny, and Val getting ready for the big event:

No smashing:

You can tell I like to take pictures of the kiddos. I basically chased them around all night:

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