Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wedding 2 of 6

We had our second wedding of the summer last weekend. It was beautiful and my cousin was beautiful! My cousin Allison is my closest cousin in age (we're 5th and 6th oldest out of 26 cousins). We went to Miami together and ended up living across the hall from each other our freshmen year. Before that time we didn't know each other very well and in fact were somewhat of rivals, especially in volleyball, although she admittedly could have kicked my butt any day:)
I'm so glad God worked it out so that we were RIGHT across the hall from each other freshmen year, what are the odds??? I would never have gotten to know my cousin! We spent a lot of time together that year and I realized that she has lots of spirit and is very fun. I don't know if I would have described her that way from my limited interactions with her before that time. So here's to Allison and Kevin!
The happy couple:

Another plus about the weekend is that I got to see my Jenny Bear! And Kath also came up, but I didn't get to see her too much:( Something about a high school reunion... Here's me and Jenny:

The one picture of me and Ian where we are both smiling...

Man it sucks to stand next to someone this gorgeous! Especially on her wedding day! Here's the bride:

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