Thursday, August 20, 2009

I would never be a stay at home mom, I'd get bored

That's what someone said to me the other day. Inside my head I thought, 'well thank you for complementing my choice of work!' And outside I just smiled and nodded.

This comment took me off guard because not ONCE since I started staying home with Mary have I even come close to being bored. I haven't even thought that it was mundane. I guess I never really thought that someone might consider this boring. Everyone is different, but it can be frustrating when someone who has never even considered, much less tried, staying home makes a comment like that.

We also have ministry and other things to keep us busy. I guess not everyone has that...but I wake up every day knowing that I'm in the profession that God wants me to be in, and there's such a sense of fulfillment and purpose in what I do. I should have asked that person if she felt the same way:) I mean who could hate a job where you take care of this everyday:


Julie said...

You're doing the profession I wanted!!!

Anonymous said...

i love that you stay home and take care of our princess! i love that you shun the world and cleave to christ, doing what we know is best for our family. i love you!

Anonymous said...

Mary is just the cutest baby EVER!
Aunt Erin

Steph said...

amen sister