Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Busy Weekend

Last weekend was a busy one! But also very fun. We went to Coney Island with some friends on Saturday (pictures below thanks to Theresa!) and had a great time! We only spent a few minutes in the pool because the water was so cold, but it was good to see our friends and the babies got to play. Then on Sunday we went to my future sister-in-law's bridal shower. It was so nice to see a side of the family that we don't get to see very often.
It's ironic how much I enjoy pictures, yet I always forget my camera! Here are some pictures from Theresa's camera, and hopefully we will see some from Sunday when my aunt gets hers developed!
Also, for you mommies out there, you may notice the little sticker on Mary's arm and Tyler's tummy. They are the coolest things. They tell you when you need to re-apply sunscreen by changing to a darker color. We weren't in the sun for a really long amount of time so they didn't change color much, but I think they're pretty cool. Unnecessary, but cool, and a good reminder if you're forgetful like me!

1 comment:

La Resa's Blog said...

you know, they don't really look happy in any of these pictures. Hmmmm . . . :)