Monday, June 1, 2009

New Stuff

Mary had a good 5 minutes in her pool yesterday. Daddy thought she was getting cold so her took her out ;) He's a little overprotective, but it balances out because I always say she's probably ok. She has also learned to sit up now all on her own. It's pretty cute to watch because she has to use all her focus and energy. And it's not so cute when she keeps sitting up in her crib and playing when she's supposed to be going to sleep. She keeps sitting up then pulling herself closer to the sides of the crib then gets her feet stuck in the crib slats. Which means mommy has to keep going in, dislodging her feet, and laying her back down. She's never happy about that last part.
Aunt Amber called today from way far away in New York. It was so good to talk. And I think Mary heard her voice and wanted to talk too because she kept squaking into the phone! We miss you Ambular!

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