Monday, March 30, 2009

Pictures from my phone

I just figured out how to send pictures from my phone to the internet. Thank you Verizon...for once. Anyway, what I love about phone pictures is that you usually always have your phone with you, so you can capture some great moments. And my phone has a surprisingly good camera on it. I'm happy with it anyway. These pics are some of my favorite of all time!

We'll start with some Mary ones because those are obviously the cutest! For Mary's purity I made a little change to this pic:

Pretty eyes:

I don't know why I love this one so much, she's just really pretty. And I think that was one of the days she was happy in her first three months!

This is my fav all time pic of the two of us I think. I'm not looking my best, but she's awesome:


Here is my friend Kristen feeding the camels at the creation museum. She's with a bunch of kids, that's the part I like. She actually pushed them out of the way to get to the camel...

JK about the pushing out of the way. You'd think after 3 years of marriage you'd come to expect things like this, but he still catches me off guard. This is in a store in Maine. He tapped me on the shoulder and when I turned around this is what I saw... I probably should expect more of this when I make him come shopping with me when he'd rather be hiking. I was 6 months preggo though, so I needed him for support!

And finally...the best picture. I've kept it for almost 2 years because it makes me laugh every time. Ethan at 5 months:

1 comment:

Julie said...

For Mary's purity you could CROP the picture....Love the cute pics!!!!